Learn Create Your Own Split Screen

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The code starts with a bit of fiddling about to calculate the number of costumes, and if animation_final_costume hasn't been provided, we set it.

Then further on, we increment our counter and change costumes, looping around as appropriate.

There's a fair bit to it, but now it's done, we can just use it without stressing about the details.

MySprite.prototype.Do_Frame_Things = function() { ctx.save(); // Save the drawing context state if (!this.costume_width) this.costume_width = this.MyImg.width; // If no costumes, width is full image var num_costumes = this.MyImg.width / this.costume_width; // How many costumes provided? if (!this.animation_final_costume && num_costumes) this.animation_final_costume = num_costumes-1; // if final not set, use them all this.h = this.MyImg.height; // height of the image file this.w = this.costume_width; // width of a costume ctx.translate(this.x + this.w/2, this.y + this.h/2); // positioning ctx.rotate(this.angle * Math.PI / 180); // rotating if (this.flipV) ctx.scale(1,-1); // flipping if (this.flipH) ctx.scale(-1,1); if (this.visible) ctx.drawImage(this.MyImg, this.costume * this.w, 0, this.w, this.h, -this.w/2, -this.h/2, this.w, this.h); this.x = this.x + this.velocity_x; this.y = this.y + this.velocity_y; // move the thing if (this.animation_rate > 0) { this.animation_counter++; // count frames if (this.animation_counter > this.animation_rate) { // is it time for the next costume? this.animation_counter = 0; // reset the counter this.costume++; // select the next costume if (this.costume > this.animation_final_costume) // check if past last costume if (this.animation_continuous) this.costume = this.animation_first_costume // if continuous, loop back else this.costume = this.animation_final_costume; // otherwise just stay on the last costume } // time for next costume } // we are animating ctx.restore(); // unwarp the context }